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Puppy Care


This page was created with the idea of having some tips how to handle a puppy on the first month at new home. VPB Some information may be short or missing, We are improving and updating this information. please let us know some experiences and suggestions.
Call us 904-375-1091 or eMail us vanitypupsfl@me.comThank you for your patronage


Your New Puppy Care Instructions

– Congratulations on your new family member. We are pleased and honored that you are now part of our family. VPB Our obligation to you is to assure that you have all the information and tools needed to properly care for your new puppy. We at Vanity Pups boutique are available Six days a week during business hours to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to call us; we want to ensure your new puppy of a long, healthy and happy life.
Taking your new puppy home
Puppies may become car sick during the first few rides in a car. VPB We recommend taking another person along to hold your new puppy or use a doggie carrier. Keep open the window about 3″ to 4″ from the top. Have your passenger frequently, but slowly, rub the underneath of the puppy’s neck and talk to him in a soft voice. This proves to be effective most of the time in relaxing your new puppy. Take a towel along just in case your puppy does get sick. Upon your arrival home, you can do any needed cleanup. Give your puppy about 45 minutes to an hour to settle down in his crate – his little tummy will do just fine. VPB

Information and helpful hints for the first few days at home

• Your puppy may be a bit nervous (the puppy is no longer experiencing familiar sounds and smells that it’s used to). This unsettling feeling will pass shortly. Plenty of peace and rest in his crate will help with the adjustment to his new family. It’s very important that the puppy is not over stimulated.
• After putting your puppy down on the floor ( not on a rug) for the first time, he may just stand there in fright. Back away and talk soothingly to him. Reassure him by saying “good puppy, nice puppy”. Whistle very softly and your new puppy will come over to you for a sniff. When he comes over, give him a pat on the head. The puppy will be fine after this.
Symptoms and Signs to be aware of
Nervousness, a new home or change of diet may cause diarrhea. A puppy that has “loose stool” is seldom a reason for worry. It is in fact usually “par for the course” within the first few days that you have your puppy at home. There can be many causes of diarrhea. The most common culprits are stress, large amounts of canned food, or parasites. Let’s stop for a moment and discuss parasites. Most of the parasites that inflict themselves on puppies are passed onto the puppy when they are born. This is why it is necessary for a breeder to “worm” a puppy shortly after its birth. (Often more than once). Unfortunately, parasites, being tricky little suckers, can re-appear just by one of their eggs hatching. Think of just how difficult it is to get rid of lice – it’s the same thing with internal parasites. Some common parasites (or just plain “worms” as they are sometimes called) are Coccidia, Giardia (passed on from water), Hookworms and Roundworms. Every once in a while, we get an alarmist Vet who tells a family that it is possible to contract parasites from a puppy, but this can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, i.e. washing your hands thoroughly every time you come in contact with their stool. (F.Y.I) NOT ONE employee of the Vanity Pups boutique has ever gotten worms from handling puppies. If the consistency of your puppies stool is firm enough to hold its form, you can likely treat this with the addition of some plain rice to the food. This can often help firm things up. If the consistency is very watery, extra foul smelling, or contains blood (parasites can cause this as well) or accompanied by any other symptoms, then call your Vet to be on the safe side. As always, if anything is unclear to you, or if you are unsure of something (anything) please don’t hesitate to call us. After all, that’s what we are here for.


The Puppy is Not Eating

Not eating for the first day or day and a half – that can happen. Things are different for the puppy. In our care, puppies generally do as other puppies do; when one eats, they all eat. The adjustment period should last a day or so. If you have purchased a puppy that is less than 5 lbs. at the time of purchase, then this section applies to you. If your new puppy is a tiny toy breed (aka teacup) this section is imperative to your puppy’s health. Tiny dogs may only need to take in 75 to 150 calories per day. If meals are skipped, you run a large risk of your puppy becoming hypoglycemic. (low blood sugar) Some of the signs of hypoglycemia are…lethargy, lack of appetite, pale gums and a general lack of enthusiasm for toys or family members. If these symptoms persist for even a short time, the puppy must see their Veterinarian immediately. If you notice early that your puppy’s appetite has decreased, there are some food items usually found in the home that may be used to entice him or her. Cheese (all types) Rice (white or brown) Any cold cut (excluding ham) Leftover meat Plain or vanilla yogurt Cottage cheese Cheerios Baby food Plain pasta (cooked) Cooked egg (scrambled) When in doubt, please contact your vet or us immediately. We are always glad to help.

Blood or mucus in your puppy’s stool

Generally, this is a sign that your puppy may have the presence of intestinal parasites. This is a common occurrence with puppies and is very easily treated. Parasites are normally found in the stool of young puppies and can be easily diagnosed by your vet, who can complete a fecal test to determine this. Medication will be given by the vet and this should clear out the parasites within a week. • Worms in your puppy’s stool like parasites, worms are commonly found in young puppies. There are several types of worms, but the most common types are roundworms and tapeworms. These are visible sometimes when the pup defecates, but you should not be alarmed as this is an easily treated problem. A de-worming can be given by your veterinarian, once he/she has determined what type of worms are present.
We are, without a doubt the cleanest pet facility on Long Island, but this doesn’t change the fact that if just one puppy develops a cold, any other puppy in our nursery may develop one as well. Think of how children start getting colds when they enter nursery school, puppies are the same way. A cough in itself is usually not a big deal and most likely will not require an emergency room visit, should the onset of symptoms occur after your Vets regular office hours. It does, however, require a trip to your Vet within a short time (a day or two) to assure that a little cold stays a cold and does not blossom into an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia, all of which are possible if the symptoms of a cold are ignored, or the situation is not handled aggressively by your Vet. To assure that this doesn’t happen, it is probable that your Vet will give you an antibiotic to combat the cold. There are some breeds that are more prone to the effects of a cold and if you have purchased one of them, you will want to make sure that you see a Vet who can treat a cold with a strong antibiotic. Some of these breeds are… Bulldogs (French or English) Pugs Boston Terriers Brussels Griffon Boxers Bullmastiffs Pekingese Japanese Chin To a lesser extent, Shih Tzu, and Lhasa Apsos Tiny breeds are also at risk, as a cold may interfere with their willingness to eat.



This condition can occur from time to time, but will usually occur in small breeds like Yorkies, Maltese, Poodles, etc., more often than larger breeds. Hypoglycemia occurs when a puppy’s blood sugar level drops below normal. This can occur for several reasons, but usually, it happens when a puppy is not eating properly, due to the stress of going to an unfamiliar environment. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are:
White gums,
Low body temperatures,
Not appetite,
Inability to stand up and even
Possibly seizures.
It is important that small breeds receive three to five feedings per day, as well as supplements like Nutri-Cal, so blood sugar levels remain adequate. If you see symptoms of hypoglycemia, give the puppy sugar immediately, keep the puppy warm and consult a veterinarian immediately.
Provide Vigilant Attention on Hypoglycemia
This condition can occur from time to time, but will usually occur in small breeds like Yorkies, Maltese, Poodles, tea-cups or any puppy 4lbs or under, more often than larger breeds. Hypoglycemia occurs when a puppy’s blood sugar level drops below normal. This can occur for several reasons, but usually, it happens when a puppy is not eating properly, due to the stress of going to an unfamiliar environment or over played with. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are white gums, low body temperatures, lethargy, inability to stand up and even possibly seizures. It is important that small breeds receive three to five feedings per day, as well as supplements like Nutri-Cal, so blood sugar levels remain adequate. If you see symptoms of hypoglycemia, give the puppy sugar immediately, keep the puppy warm and consult a veterinarian immediately,
If your puppy vomits only once or twice, it’s probably not a big deal, particularly if it consists mainly of undigested food and occurs right after a meal while the puppy is exercising. An exception to the “once or twice rule” would be if it becomes obvious that your puppy has ingested a foreign object. In that case, call your Vet right away. If your puppy throws up three or more times, it is often best to see your Vet as it takes a short time for a puppy to become dangerously dehydrated.


Precautionary measures for small breeds are:

• Make sure that you are not constantly handling, over stimulating the puppy or passing it around from hand to hand. In the beginning, give the puppy allot of time to rest. • Make sure for the first month that you keep Nutri-Drops syrup in the puppy’s water at all times. • Your new puppy should have at least three to five feedings during the course of a twelve hour day. Note: make sure your puppy eats when you place the food in front of him. • Most importantly, use the Nutri-Cal at least three to four times daily. This will make sure your puppy is getting the much-needed sugar and nutrients. To prevent your puppy from becoming Hypoglycemic, the Nutri-Cal should be given consistently for the first two weeks.
Closing Statement
Remember, it doesn’t matter if your puppy is a two pound Yorkie or a twenty pound Rottweiler, the puppy is extremely fragile and must be treated like a baby. Do not roughhouse with the puppy. Be very cautious when you take the puppy outside. Keep the puppy away from public parks where dogs defecate – until the puppy is fully vaccinated. Do not let your puppy come into contact with another dog unless you know that dog is fully vaccinated and healthy. Make sure that your puppy is given his rabies vaccination when it is due. Most important: Your new puppy is yours, not your neighbor's pup. Nor is your puppy the new friend of your neighbor’s dog. Be very careful in the decisions you make for your new puppy – and your puppy will grow up being your best friend.

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